April 23, 2005

FASTER PUSSYCAT guitarist Brent Muscat is being forced to miss the band's current tour dates due to a scheduling conflict, according to a post on the band's official web site. "The shows were booked on short notice and I am currently busy with several projects here in Las Vegas, where I live," Muscat writes on the site. "I have not left FASTER PUSSYCAT and hope to be available for shows in the near future. In the meantime, Eric [Griffin] from the MURDERDOLLS will be filling in, so please go out and support the band." Check out pictures from (and a review of) FASTER PUSSYCAT's headlining gig in White Marsh, Maryland on April 19 at the Rock N Roll Experience web site.

Upcoming FASTER PUSSYCAT tour dates:

Apr. 23 - Dingbatz - Clifton, NJ
Apr. 24 - Crazy Donkey - Farmingdale, NY
Apr. 29 - Rio – Bradford, UK
Apr. 30 - Rock City – Nottingham, UK
May 01 - JB's – Dudley, UK
May 02 - The Underworld – London, UK
May 03 - Queens Hall – Nuneaton, UK
May 07 - Razzmatazz – Barcelona, ESP
May 08 - Arena – Madrid, ESP

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